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Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time in the faraway land of Toronto the Good, a fair maiden, with raven hair and ruby lips, named Andrea Carini, touched the lives of many with her talent, wit and designer magic.

Some say she was a distant cousin of Snow White, as her connections with the descendants of the seven dwarves, her tradesmen and artisans, were at her beck and call and would magically appear, whistling while they worked.

Others say she was Little Red Riding Hood’s niece ten times removed, as she could easily tame the savage wolf and beasties within her respected clients, by feeding their appetites with knowledge from her enchanted basket. This empowered them with the confidence to make solid design choices, instead of choosing in haste to make her their lunch.

And still others thought of her as an innovative mystic, a design philosopher, a psychiatrist, a wish-granting water nymph, a life coach and a best friend. But most of all the kinsfolk suspected in secret that Andrea was their Design Fairy Godmother. She carried her magic wand in her back pocket ready to bring it forth in a moment’s notice – bibbitty-bobbitty-boo!

Henceforth Andrea Carini, of Your Sacred Space Interiors and her gifted team of merry men and women were known and celebrated throughout the land. News traveled of her spellbinding designs to distant lands and far-off shores.

Andrea’s interior designs pleased the townspeople from shepherds to merchants, dukes to kings and many queens.  As the roses bloomed, everyone rejoiced and made merriment in their newly designed castles, homes, cottages, offices, caves and condominiums. Happy endings and happy nests!

And now turn the page to reveal, Andrea and her Designer’s Tales…


© Andrea Carini for Your Sacred Space Interiors. 
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